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Free shipping Diesel Common Rail Pressure sensor Tester and Simulator for Bossch/Delphii/Densoo Sensor Test When you repair car ,the fllow problem may occur by common rail pressure. 1. It is difficult to start engine or the engine can not be started. 2. Engine power is insufficient. 3. Engine suffers from climbing weakness. 4. The engine power is unstable and fluctuates. It's need to test common rail pressure ,some times need simulate preesrue to make sure if the pressure sensor is OK CR508 is easy to use ,has the auto test function.can test and simulate Bossch/Delphii/Densso pressure sensor. Auto test funcion Simulate Delphii sensor
Simulate Bossch sensor user manual Easy to power ,it can connect to Turck power 24V or 9V battery for BOsSCH ,Densso,delphii cable .all has male and female cable for Delphii connector for Densoo connector for Bossch connector Power connector we had test many car for verification ,it useful and reliable By the way ,We had many years of repair experience, there are any questions you can feel free to contact us, we are will be happy to explore. |