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Free shipping for 1pcs control valve 9308-621C 28239294 for Delph One year warranty for products Good quality for fast delivery This 9308-621c /28239294 Control valve fit the following Common Rail Injectors: Detailed Product DescriptionF*cus 1.8 TDCIEJBR00801Z WadingEJBR01101Z Transit ConnectEJBR01301Z Tourneo CoÖsszpontosít 1.8 TDCIEJBR00801Z MocsáriEJBR01101Z Transit ConnectEJBR01301Z Tourneo ConnectEJBR01302ZEJBR01601ZEJBR02001ZEJBR02201ZKiaEJBR00901Z Kar Havas 2.9 HPDiEJBR01901Z Pregio 2.9 HPDiBongo 2.9EJBR02301Z HPDi2.9 HatárJBR02401Z HPDiEJBR02501ZEJBR02801DEJBR02901DEJBR03001DEJBR03201DRenault Clio 1.5 dCiEJBR01701ZEJBR01801A Kangoo 1.5 dCiEJBR01801Z Megane 1.5 dCiEJBR02101Z Színpad 1.5 dCiModus 1.5 dCiEJBR02701ZNiss*n Almer* 1.5 dCiKubist*r 1.5 dCiMicr* 1.5 dCiJimny 1.5 DdisSsangyong RodiusEJBR02601Z D27DTRexton D27DTEJBR01001A kúszónövény 1.4 DdisCitro*n C3 1.4 HDIEJBR01001ZMocsáriEJDR00002Z Monde0 2.0 TDCIEJDR00101Z Tranzit 2.0 TDCIEJDR00201ZEJDR00202ZEJDR00301ZEJDR00401ZEJDR00402ZEJDR00403Z MocsáriEJDR00501Z Monde0 2.0 TDCIEJDR00502Z Jaguár X400 2.0 TDCIEJDR00503ZEJDR00504ZEJDR00601ZTry the best way to all customers |