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Product Description
Used together with G M TECH2, can not works alone. It used to connect G M TECH2 with car for diagnose. it only use for Tech2 diagnostic tool . it is only tech2 main cable.if your tech2 main cable is bad you can buy our tech2 cable .
Package including: 1pcs x OBD2 16PIN Connector for Tech2 connect 1pcs tech2 main test cable
Attention ; this obd2 16pin connector have two kinds ,one is full 16pin tech2 ,another is half 16pin tech2 ,leave your message for us on officematics , then we can send you want . Note : down is our another product , if you like , you can click it and buy it , any question , contact us , thanks. https://www.officematics.com/store/product/For-TECH2-Diagnostic-Tool-OBD2-16PIN-Connector-16-pin-connect-cable/1017493_32580517786.html https://www.officematics.com/store/product/Car-OBD2-16PIN-Connector-For-G-M-TECH2-Diagnostic-Tool-16-PIN-Adaptor-G-M-TECH/1017493_32724718953.html https://www.officematics.com/store/product/For-TECH2-Diagnostic-Tool-OBD2-main-connect-cable-TECH-2-Scanner-DLC-VETRONIX-Main-Test-Data/1017493_32580046657.html https://www.officematics.com/store/product/Car-OBD2-16PIN-Connector-For-G-M-TECH2-Diagnostic-Tool-16-PIN-Adaptor-TECH-2-Scanner/1017493_32724754837.html