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Iprog+ Programmer function: Auto key programmer + Airbag Reset Tool + DPF Off + Pin Code Service+ IMMO + EEPROM, etc. Iprog can replace Key programmer (tango) + Dig-iprog3 + Carprog V8.21 Lastest V85 software Add Kline adapter+ Can Adapter Airbag,carradio,dpf off, ECU,IMMO KEY, MIL TO KM, PINABS,PINCODE SMATRA3,PINCODE SENSOR SPEED LIMIT,,EEPROM,MCU-Atmel,Fujutsu,Microchip,Motorola,Motorola912EN,NECV850,BLR,CAN,CRC_Cript,ibutton,sd_unlocker,test.
Read and erase crash to some cars Read and erase DTC Repair CFG 2. Dashboard: Read km Write a new km 3. Car Radio & ECU: Car Radio: Read and erase info Reset count ECU: Immo OFF DPF off 4. Eeprom: Read/write/erase eeprom 5. Immo: Program and copy chips for cars and truck Unlock keys Cover Toyota smart keys: reset key prepare Write a key by immo dump 6. Mcu: Read and write chips Cover chips for Atmel, for Fujitsu and for microchips Motorola, for NEC v850 7. Special functions: Mile to km Pincode from dump The best programmer iprog Pro is designed to work with automotive microelectronics: ✔Work with multimedia unlocking the tape recorder ✔Work with keys (IMMO, Transponders), copying, preparation, unlocking ✔Work with IMMO-Key Auto dumps ✔Working with the airbag computer, deleting crash data ✔Transfer readings from miles to km ✔Read and write processors and its used in cars ✔ Removing the particulate filter in the dump ✔Working with keys to the intercom ✔Realign Pin cod from dump (some brands) Control board number, + scripts full Base number. Ability to update! All adapters are tested for performance! IProg Pro Programmer Package List: |