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New holland CNH DPA5 v8.6 for Truck DPA 5 v9.5Heavy Duty Scanner Auto Diagnositc tool Same AsNEXIQ Without Bluetooth DPA5Software Installation of DPA5 V9.5: New Holland DPA5 DIAGNOSTIC KIT: Electronic Service Tool (EST) - used by dealership technicians to connect with machines that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) BUS as part of the electronic system architecture.Supported brands:New Holland (Agriculture and Construction);New Holland FK (Fi at-Kobelco);New Holland O&K (Orenstein & Koppel);CASE (Agriculture and Construction);STEYR;KOBE-LCO;Iveco (Astra) (articulated dump trucks only);Flexi-Coil;Sumitomo (S.H.I.); |