Q1: How can you guarantee the quality?
A: All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.
Q2: If we don’t find the auto a/c parts here,pls tell us.
A:1.Pls send us ur part number if u know the OEM number. 2.Pls send us ur photo if u have pictures. 3.Pls tell us ur exact car model if u do not have photo or OEM No.
Q3: RefundA: We do our best to serve our customers. We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of the receipt of your order. And you should pay all additional shipping fees and the items returned are original in their status. So before placing order, you must make sure the parts fit your car to avoid the unnecessary cost.
Q1: How can you guarantee the quality?
A: All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.
Q2: If we don’t find the auto a/c parts here,pls tell us.
A:1.Pls send us ur part number if u know the OEM number. 2.Pls send us ur photo if u have pictures. 3.Pls tell us ur exact car model if u do not have photo or OEM No.
Q3: RefundA: We do our best to serve our customers. We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of the receipt of your order. And you should pay all additional shipping fees and the items returned are original in their status. So before placing order, you must make sure the parts fit your car to avoid the unnecessary cost.
Q1: How can you guarantee the quality?
A: All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.
Q2: If we don’t find the auto a/c parts here,pls tell us.
A:1.Pls send us ur part number if u know the OEM number. 2.Pls send us ur photo if u have pictures. 3.Pls tell us ur exact car model if u do not have photo or OEM No.
Q3: Refund A: We do our best to serve our customers. We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of the receipt of your order. And you should pay all additional shipping fees and the items returned are original in their status. So before placing order, you must make sure the parts fit your car to avoid the unnecessary cost. |